First CANADIAN Field Regiment over the river RHINE

First CANADIAN Field Regiment over the river RHINE

WAR DIARY OR INTELLIGENCE SUMMARYMarch 25- 27, 1945CALCAR – GRIETHERBUSCH, NL March 25: The attack appears to be going quite well, the regiment firing fire plans MAPLE, ASTOR, and a special plan in support of the NNSH. Also engaged 3 Victor targets...
Operation Plunder & Peter Fuse Targets

Operation Plunder & Peter Fuse Targets

…..Shortly after midnight the night of March 10/11th the Regiment was en route to Cleve. We had just completed four weeks of very heavy fighting and certainly needed a breather. What was in store for us there, no one knew, but we expected that we would have a...
Bitter Fighting in Moyland Woods

Bitter Fighting in Moyland Woods

The 12th Field Regiment, February 15th were supporting the 7th Brigade at Moyland Woods which involved bitter fighting. When the Regiment moved, it was necessary for the 43rd Battery to build rafts to move their guns to higher ground. The Artillery and mortar-fire...
OP VERITABLE  February 1945

OP VERITABLE February 1945

OP ( Operation ) VERITABLE  February ~ March 1945 February 2nd, 1945 – Orders were given for the Regiment to stay off the roads between 18:00 and 6:00 hours. The build-up for a major attack was beginning. February 6th, 1945 – Operation...